
Dealing With Your Difficult Man

Dear Duana, I loved your Difficult Woman article and wish we could make it required reading for humanity….In passing, you said, “Criticism never helps a relationship.” But you also said, “In the happiest couples, the wife does the vital job of complaining…” If we Difficult Women never criticize, how are we supposed to do our job of Dealing With (you know—changing!) our Difficult Men? Dear Anna,Your core question is one for the ages: Can you change a man? We’ve all been told it’s impossible. But is it?

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Q&A from "Dealing With Your Difficult Woman"

Wise Readers, is there an industry devoted to undermining your devotion? Does Dealing (effectively) with a Difficult Woman have some sexual perks? Read on!

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Dealing With Your Difficult Woman

Dear Duana, Women are ALWAYS right. Just ask one. That’s what I’d like to read about. I will admit that they are usually right, but how do you tactfully approach them when they are wrong?… (Does it amount to just saying Yes, Dear?)

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Q&A from "Plastic Surgery: Are you off your head?"

Wise Readers, Just how far-reaching is the beauty bias? Are men’s beauty standards even higher than Hollywood’s? Can plastic surgery work against you? Can quirky good looks work for you? And what’s the guy’s perspective? Read on!

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Plastic Surgery: Are you off your head?

Dear Duana,My measurements are 36-24-35…It’s not uncommon for male strangers to pay for the dinner I’m eating out with a friend, and I haven’t paid bus fare or opened a door in years. But my nose resembles a clown’s—round, like a rubber ball, and too large for my face….I know there is controversy about plastic surgery, but I don’t care about public debates. I just want an answer: Do you think the right nose job would help me attract Mr. Right? Grace

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