Entries in Dating advice for men (10)


First Date Red Flags, First Date Green Flags

Wise Readers, have you ever missed some red flags—waving banners that might have been there on the first date?
We’ve all been there! And if you (or someone you love) is tired of it, check out this new article in Newsweek, today: https://www.newsweek.com/biggest-red-flag-first-date…

Equally important: Do you know the number 1 *green* flag to look for? Scope that out in a separate Newsweek article: https://www.newsweek.com/biggest-green-flag-first-date-according-relationship-experts-1993512
Did you guess the dealbreakers and deal-makers I named? What stands out for you? Are there other red or green flags you would add?
I’d love to hear what you think! Your life is your own experiment. Going forward, what will you try that’s different?
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything
about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch, the original Love Scientist and Love Factually author:




When it comes to finding your life partner, have you felt like things aren’t going the way you’d hoped…but you don’t know what might help instead?
If so, then this is THE podcast for you. Oprah featured it. It and its host Ken Page are major! I have wanted to be on Ken Page’s Deeper Dating for *years*—it’s soooo good. Ken is all about love, respect, and kindness.
And I’m delighted to be on episode #175, where we discuss:
• What does it mean to date the hard way?
How can you re-brand the term ‘high-status’?
• What’s the difference between that and hard-to-get?
• What to do between the first contact and the first date?
• Why and which boundaries are so helpful in dating?
• Are there benefits to waiting to have sex?
• What does science say about setting up a dating profile?
• How to ask the hard questions on a date? (scripts included!)
I’m so excited about this episode and this podcast, and I know you will be, too!
Listen to this all-science-based dating episode here:
And please lmk how you liked the show! What stands out for you? Your life is your own experiment. What will you try that’s different?
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything
about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch, the original Love Scientist:



If You Resolved That 2023 Was Your Last Single New Year's Eve

Have you vowed that this past New Year’s was the last one you’ll spend single?

If you’ve resolved to find the one for you in 2024, let’s get it done with my science-based dating coaching; drop me a line!



Talk with you soon~


Duana C. Welch, Ph.D.

Love Factually coach and author


Schedule a 15-minute mini-session for dating and relationship coaching now: Visit www.lovesciencemedia.com/consult




Advance praise, Love Factually books: 

—“A must-read: gripping, science-based, and brimming with actions to improve your love life.”

~David Buss, Ph.D., author of The Evolution of Desire

—“A must read for all those of us seeking a lasting love.” 

~Dr. John Gottman, author of The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work

—“This book will heal your heart and help you love again—this time, for life.” 

~Susan Page, author of If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?



How To Date Without Burnout

Burned Out On Dating? 


After a while, almost nobody likes dating. It takes too much work, too much time, and is filled with too much disappointment.


Or is it?


In this podcast episode I’m on with host Dr. Mari Kovanen, we dive into dating burnout—and how you can avoid it!


If any of the following points apply to you, then I strongly encourage you to listen! 

* Dating burnout and how to overcome it

* Adjusting your mindset to dating and why it’s important

* Finding a dating strategy that works and stops wasting time

* How we should dedicate time and manage our dating experiences

* Common mistakes in dating

…and so MUCH MORE!

Trust me when I say that you WON’T want to miss this one!

We share practical advice that you can actually put into practice! 

Tune in and start implementing these dating tips today!

The link is here ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eX-yxKMm

Or if you’d prefer to watch it online go to the YouTube episode here https://lnkd.in/eHn7YxvS

Don’t forget to give it a rating if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple!




Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch:














#podcast #podcasting #datingpodcast #datingtips #datingcoach 


From Mating Myths To On App Dating, Your Questions Answered

Wise Readers,

If you’ve been looking for a Best-Of podcast episode from dating-and-mating myths, to avoiding Wrong partners superfast, to online dating dos and dont’s, to attachment style: this is for you! 

Podcast Heartbreak & Hope Host Pat Barbarito and I discuss how science explains and predicts humans’ dating behavior. In this show, you’ll be invited to: 

  • Dispel the popular dating myths that plague modern society but actually set people up for a lifetime of broken hearts;
  • Get comfortable with the discomfort of online dating and find the fun in the journey;
  • Increase the odds of correctly identifying your significant other among all the unsuitable matches;
  • Embrace the two must-haves that guarantee a successful relationship;
  • Learn how the most captivating online profiles are created and which photos make them even more memorable;
  • Understand how and when to take an online interaction into the real world;
  • Examine the four attachment styles that rule all human connection – familial, platonic, romantic; and so much more.
Listen to the episode here.

Miss an episode from this trilogy? Find the full length conversations by visiting the links below! 


I’d love to be your science-based guide to a lifetime of happiness. Right now you can get (or give) a 15-minute mini-session with me—at no charge. Free. Gratis. 
Let’s make love happen for you in 2023: reach out to me at Duana@lovesciencemedia.com.
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: