
First Date Red Flags, First Date Green Flags

Wise Readers, have you ever missed some red flags—waving banners that might have been there on the first date?
We’ve all been there! And if you (or someone you love) is tired of it, check out this new article in Newsweek, today:…

Equally important: Do you know the number 1 *green* flag to look for? Scope that out in a separate Newsweek article:
Did you guess the dealbreakers and deal-makers I named? What stands out for you? Are there other red or green flags you would add?
I’d love to hear what you think! Your life is your own experiment. Going forward, what will you try that’s different?
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything
about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch, the original Love Scientist and Love Factually author:


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