
New Podcast episode at Live Your Life: How not to be single

“How do you find success in modern dating? Science. At least, that’s what Dr Duana Welch has devoted her life to, helping individuals find (and keep love) using science as a guide. Advice from friends and family can be helpful, but what about having a strategy to understand what works for most people, most of the time? There are, of course, exceptions, but do you want to be an exception? Dr. Duana says “There is a word for people who don’t devote strategy and concentrated effort to finding a partner, and that word is ‘single’”. Check out episode 43 of The Live your Life Podcast to learn more from Dr. Duana.
“Dr. Duana Welch (pronounced DWAY-nah) is the dating coach and author known for using science to help men and women find and keep the love of their lives. A former professor in Florida, California, and Texas across 20 years, she is an expert for Paired, the science-based couples app, and she has contributed to NPR, PBS, Psychology Today, and numerous other outlets and podcasts. Her book Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, is out globally in five languages; its revised and updated edition released in 2022. She coaches clients worldwide, via Zoom and other technologies.”
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