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photo by Audrey Alberthal
Have you vowed that this past New Year’s was the last one you’ll spend single?
If you’ve resolved to find the one for you in 2024, let’s get it done with my science-based dating coaching; drop me a line!
Talk with you soon~
Duana C. Welch, Ph.D.
Love Factually coach and author
Schedule a 15-minute mini-session for dating and relationship coaching now: Visit
Advance praise, Love Factually books:
—“A must-read: gripping, science-based, and brimming with actions to improve your love life.”
~David Buss, Ph.D., author of The Evolution of Desire
—“A must read for all those of us seeking a lasting love.”
~Dr. John Gottman, author of The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work
—“This book will heal your heart and help you love again—this time, for life.”
~Susan Page, author of If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?
Do you love Dr. Duana Welch’s Love Factually books? Have you listened to her on podcasts and wondered where you can meet her and ask all your dating-and-relating questions in a (very rare) in-person appearance?
If so, you don’t want to miss the “All The Single Ladies” Singles Summit in New York City this October 23!
For the first time in over five years, the original science-based dating coach and author is appearing in-person for a live Q&A, plus four break-out sessions!
You’ll get lots of time to learn all things Love Factually—vastly enhancing your dating-and-relating!
You’ll also meet:
*matchmaker Bonnie Winston
*online dating expert Michelle Jacoby
*sex therapist Sari Cooper
*stylists Amanda Sanders and Barbara Warren
~All brought to you by Wise & Wonderful Women’s founder, our host and moderator Ann Cutbill Lenane!
Start-to-finish dating guidance is here! Save the date!
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch:
Wise Women,
Why is it so hard to find lasting love AT YOUR LEVEL?? Join me and over 25 leaders in love & relationships as we answer this question, and support you in finding the love you want in an all new series hosted by Love & Relationship Coach Bex Burton. Lasting Love at Your Level is a free, online event loaded with wisdom and freebies that begins soon – claim your seat at today!
For a quick peek, look here:
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: