
Q&A for "When Love Stinks"

Wise Readers, Refusing or seeking a mate because of smell: It’s normal for women. But readers were left with questions: Do people with specific genetic profiles choose specific kinds of colognes? Why do men fall in love using their eyes—women, their noses? What if someone rich, powerful and good-looking stinks—can women overlook (oversmell?) that? And what role do factors like anti-depressants, age, diet and sexual orientation play in smell and sexual attraction? Read on! Cheers, Duana

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Q&A from “Solving Your Unsolvable Problems: What happy couples know”

Wise Readers, Happy couples: What have they got that others haven’t? Where’s the fine line between Irreconcilable Differences and the “brand of crazy” you can live with? And how did our own happy couples find the path to Being Happy Anyway? Read on!

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Solving Your Unsolvable Problems: What happy couples know

Wise Readers, It’s a fact: For any given couple,* happy or not*, 69% of our troubles will never go away. Yet behind that depressing news is a remarkably liberating implication: You don’t have to solve your problems to be happy…

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Q&A from “WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT: Happily or Crabbily Ever After?”  

Wise Readers, If opposites attract, why is similarity so much easier? And what can be done to convince your head *and* heart that his/her personality isn’t…personal? How accurate are we at discerning our own personality? Would others know our type? What about introverts with extroverts, or worriers with calm people—how does that work? And…what if your Opposite is just plain mean and disrespectful to you? Read on! Cheers, Duana

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WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT: Happily or Crabbily Ever After?  

Dear Duana,I love my husband, but I’m demonstrative and affectionate and affirming, and Sean…isn’t. Is there any research about opposites attracting, or whether complementary personalities can cause more problems than they solve? Dear Nina, Sounds like you’ve got a classic Gap going on—where one person prefers soul-searching intimacy, and the other prefers that when he said he loves you (at your wedding), that should stand for the Remainder Of Time. Common in male-female relationships, I suspect the Gap is often based in a specific personality pairing you and Sean may have…

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