(How) can you train your mother-in-law--and just about anyone else?
If someone’s annoying you, you may have taught them to do it. Here, how to get treated the way you want, by whom you want!

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photo by Audrey Alberthal
If someone’s annoying you, you may have taught them to do it. Here, how to get treated the way you want, by whom you want!
Wise Readers, Going Stealth to treat a lover’s ED (when he won’t do it himself) spawned many personal revelations and quite the discussion. What are the many —sometime surprising— causes ED? If it’s this common, should we even call it “erectile *disorder*”? And can you screw up recovery by rushing the process? Read on!
Dear Duana, for two years, Erik’s had erectile dysfunction he won’t discuss or treat. Eric says is he’s “fine” with how things are. I think it’s closer to truth to say he’s anxious and would rather shut down sexually than be crushed by trying something that doesn’t work. Is there a way to resume sex of *some* sort with the man I love and married?! Dear Cassandra,I hear your frustration, but I’m not a sex therapist. I could claim to be—in most of the USA, *anyone* can. Ye olde local psychological association can often direct you to someone reputable, but even then, therapy involves something Erik’s avoiding: talking. So you might have to treat Erik’s ED* under-the-radar, and here’s how:
Wise Readers, although men wrote in thanks for insight regarding women’s part in the human mating dance, questions arose: Do guys usually overestimate women’s interest—or underestimate it (and why?)? When are guys turned off (and on) if women make the first move? Is the human courtship ritual (THCR) a silly game—or is there some value to it? And does *anyone* like to be left hanging when It’s Over? Read on!
Dear Duana, My superhero name is Captain Clueless, because I never know when women do or don’t want me. It’s worth donning the cape to find the future Mrs. Clueless, but saving some pain and confusion along the way would be great. Are there are any reliable signs that a woman is or is not into me? Dear Scott, Heroes like you possess a vital superpower—bravery. Fortunately, you need not be reckless or blind in your bravery, because about 2/3rds of the time, Interested Women Make The First Move…and no, it’s not random!