Prenups and provisions: It's a trust issue, or is it?
She makes much more money than he does; will a prenup help or hurt their trust?

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photo by Audrey Alberthal
She makes much more money than he does; will a prenup help or hurt their trust?
He’s only 18 and wants to propose; is that a bad idea?
How do you move your relationship off dead-center when you want a commitment?
Dear Duana, I think I’ve met The One. Aaron has asked me to move in with him, in another city, and said then he’ll propose in a year…I have a five-year-old daughter and a job, but for Mr. Right, we’ll move. I read your articles about cohabitation, though, and want to know what you’ve got against living together? Dear Anna,indeed, I’ve got something against living together. Because even though cohabitation is extremely common, research has something against it—for all but two sorts of couples:
Wise Readers, what’s the most creative way you can dream up to solve The Ring problem(s)—problems such as dealing with other people’s reactions to the absence of a Ring, figuring out whether or not to surprise the bride-to-be with a Ring at the proposal, or dealing with one’s own feelings about what/when to buy? Read on!