
Kiss & Make-up: Why men think they don’t like painted ladies…and why women should wear make-up anyway

Wise Readers, Men often claim not to like it when women wear make-up—yet women persist in painting themselves. Does make-up really repel men? Or do they just *think* it does? And why does a certain Love Scientist think women should wear make-up anyway? These were the questions put to me by sex journalist Rachel Rabbit Write, and my response appears at .

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Young Love--Young Marriage?

Dear Duana, Audrey and I share love, commitment, values, goals, interests, and ambitions—and Youth. I’m 18 and she’s 17. We know we need our parents’ approval. What do we say?

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Waiting For Sex: for how long?

Dear Duana, I bought the cultural messages that if you want to have sex you should…but now I think I’ve ruined a shot at love and marriage by treating sex casually. So, for the first time, I’m Waiting. My question is, how long should I wait before sex? Dear Rosemary, Scientifically, Waiting is such a huge long-term Win, it’s amazing we women ever fell for the Sexual part of the Revolution…

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Q&A from "Butterface"

Wise Readers, What should real-life Butterfaced-women do? How can women ever stop worrying about their looks? What’s ‘Good Enough’—for women and for men and for women with women and men with men? And how does all of this relate to the decline of dating on college campuses? Read on!

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You Want It—You’ve Got it (What you want more of at LS)

Wise Readers, THANK YOU for all your feedback, and for helping Love Science to grow. Because you have shared your time, talent, intellect, interest, and have forwarded these posts on and on—Love Science remains the top-ranked blog out of nearly 10,000 carried at…and it’s now read globally. Many thanks to those of you who told me via anonymous survey responses what *you* want more of at Love Science. Here you’ll find your responses, my answers, and my gratitude to you. Read on!

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