
Q&A for “Affair-Proofing Your Marriage: Fidelity 2.0”  

Wise Readers, If you want an affair-free union, being (and finding) a good person isn’t enough. But what are the differences between keeping a man versus a woman faithful? Do women have fewer, or more, affairs with age? And how do lifestyle and culture help or hinder affairs? Read on!

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Affair-Proofing Your Marriage: Fidelity 2.0

Dear Duana, I got a tad obsessed with a “Guy” at work—then told my husband and quit interacting with Guy. My girlfriends think telling my spouse was mean, ending the friendship was unnecessary, and that my character and my happy marriage would have prevented anything “happening”. I think they’re naive. How do you affair-proof a marriage?

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Q&A for “Keeping Him Faithful 1.0: Five guys to watch (out) for”

Wise Readers, The first step in *keeping* him faithful is *finding* a him who wants to be true to begin with—and who lacks the Opportunity, History & Experience to cheat. But what if he’s got a History—and claims to have reformed? Why *not* use the genetic test for men’s fidelity? Is there a fidelity test to use on women? And isn’t being so logical kind of killing love’s buzz? Read on!

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Keeping Him Faithful 1.0: Five guys to watch (out) for

Dear Duana, I’ve been serially cheated-on, even when relationships went well. Before I abandon all hope, is there any way to find and keep a man who’s monogamous and emotionally invested in me—and me only? Dear Belinda, although happy relationships don’t guarantee fidelity, most men are faithful. So what’s the source of your unusually bad luck? I suspect it has something to do with repeatedly saying Yes to cheating’s 5 Usual Suspects:

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Q&A from “Young Love—Young Marriage?”  

Wise Readers, Some young lovers can marry and thrive—and others, not so much. What’s the difference? What’s our broader culture got to do with that? Who makes it—who doesn’t—and why? And should Grant and Audrey—the couple from the original article—tell their parents of their plans at all? Read on!

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