Entries in Podcasts (102)


The Dark Side of Evolution & Love

Wise Readers,

Today I’m honored to be a third-time guest on the Art of Charm, one of the top three podcasts on iTunes. This one’s the Dark Side of Evolution & Mating: http://theartofcharm.com/podcast-episodes/duana-welch-evolution-love-episode-509/


“Listen to this episode of The Art of Charm in its entirety to learn more about why we shouldn’t see the differences between women and men as disempowering, what men will trade for youth and beauty, why Duana wishes evolution had an off switch (and what could be gained from such a thing), what men and women lie about, and lots more.”




Following Your Yes! Letting Intuition Be Your Guide

Wise Readers,

Earlier this week, I was on a terrific podcast called Speaking of Partnership, and this is the brand-new follow-up to that.  In this episode, several experts discuss what happened when they failed to follow their Yes, and what happened when they did.  Does it match your experience?  http://speakingofpartnership.com/036-follow-your-yes-friday-7/


Get Your "Picker" Fixed: speaking of partnership

Wise Readers, 


Is your ‘picker’ broken? Mine was. If you’re curious about how to choose better, or my own process in fixing a broken selection process, here’s this podcast at Speaking of Partnership, live today: 

Website link: http://speakingofpartnership.com/032-duana-welch/

iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/…/speaking-partnershi…/id1091377398


From Addiction to Pick Up Artists

Wise readers, welcome to a brand-new podcast episode, and one of my very favorites. From why nice guys finish first to why the pick up artist community isn’t helping for long-term love, to alcohol and drug addiction, to detailed info on how to tell if it’s “once a cheater, always a cheater,” to arranging your own marriage—I hope you enjoy this one like I did: 



My Biggest Heartbreak, plus how to succeed in business while really trying

Wise Readers,

When my book was in the works, the editor wanted me to tell about my biggest heartbreak, and how I recovered. At the time, I refused; it involved too many other people, including my child. But she gave permission. So here it is. Please be kind. 

Bonus: The latter half of this interview is about applying mating psychology to getting a raise, more respect, a better job:
