Entries in Art of Charm (3)


The Dark Side of Evolution & Love

Wise Readers,

Today I’m honored to be a third-time guest on the Art of Charm, one of the top three podcasts on iTunes. This one’s the Dark Side of Evolution & Mating: http://theartofcharm.com/podcast-episodes/duana-welch-evolution-love-episode-509/


“Listen to this episode of The Art of Charm in its entirety to learn more about why we shouldn’t see the differences between women and men as disempowering, what men will trade for youth and beauty, why Duana wishes evolution had an off switch (and what could be gained from such a thing), what men and women lie about, and lots more.”




Love Logically: How women have shaped men's emotions, and why it matters

Wise Readers:

Men are the more emotional sex…and women made them that way.  How this can be true, and why it matters, is the topic of this new podcast at the Art of Charm






Science-Based Dating: What's your style?

Do you have a dating style?  Yes.  And it has a lot to do with your past—but you can change the future.

NEW podcast at the Art of Charm: