Entries in health (3)


Separate Rooms, Separate Sex Lives? When snoring comes between you

Dear Duana,My husband has a serious snoring problem. Ear plugs for me and nasal strips for him don’t work, and the guest room is now mine….I get more sleep this way, but we have less sex and I feel less connected to him. Do you think it’s a bad thing for us to sleep apart? Dear Callie, If you could win a million dollars, or have guaranteed restful, energizing sleep every night for the rest of your life, which would you pick? If research is any guide, you’d be wise to select sleep. But that doesn’t mean sleeping apart is the best plan…

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Q&A from "Exercise: This is a pubic service announcement"

Wise Readers, Do you have to lose weight to get the sexual and other benefits of a half-hour’s daily walk/workout? What’s a skinny fat person? Why does why we exercise—our motivator—matter, and how can you tap into the most effective motivator? And losing weight’s the easy part. How do you *keep* it off? Read on!

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Exercise: This is a pubic service announcement

Wise Readers, Swimsuits—they’re not what we’re discussing today. Nor are we broaching penis size, much as I enjoy saying ‘penis size’ and even though it’s the topic men ask me about the most. Instead, we’re discussing something vital to swimsuits and penises—and vaginas— everywhere…

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