
How Different Are Changes In Men's And Women's Desire Over Time? Turns Out, Not So Much

Wise Readers: How different are women and men when it comes to fluctuations in sexual desire? Three studies say, not that much—at least not once in a relationship. 

“…I’d like people to note that men’s desire is not necessarily as stable as we might think it might be, or should be. Men’s desire, just like women’s desire, can ebb and flow, and is tied to how they feel in their bodies and in their relationships.”
~Dr. Emily A. Harris, University of Melbourne

Other info from this analysis of three different studies of how much and why women and men’s sexual desire does—or does not—change over time: 
—Men and women alike had a lot of day-to-day variability in how sexually interested they were.
—Men and women alike were more likely to feel more desire if they felt close to their partner; tired women were less likely than tired men to want to have The Sex.
—Over long spans of time, women’s sexual desire fluctuated more than men’s did, but the difference was very small
—There were more similarities than differences in how men and women felt/how much their desire changed, and why.

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Original research paper is here:

Pop/easy-read article is here:


image: PsyPost

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