AB Newswire Press Release: Love Factually first science-based book for finding and keeping love
Wise Readers,
LoveScience Media officially announced Love Factually’s launch. For the full press-release, please see here: http://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/love-factually-first-sciencebased-book-for-finding-and-keeping-love_22279.html
Here is the reprint:
AUSTIN, TEXAS – January 13, 2015 – LoveScience Media has announced its launch of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, which released January 7, 2015. The book is sold at Amazon.com, iTunes, and Audible, and is available in paperback, audiobook, and e-book formats. A free chapter is available now at http://www.lovefactually.co
Love Factually is the first science-based book for men and women who want to find and keep the right love partner.
Says Love Factually’s author, Duana C. Welch, Ph.D., “Relationship books tend to be based on the author’s opinion, without any proof offered; and we now know from science that a lot of our current cultural opinions are actually harmful to finding lasting love. Love Factually is the book I needed and didn’t have. Finally, readers—male, female, straight, gay—have what I needed: an accurate action plan to use at any stage of dating, from before you meet until you commit, presented in a fun, user-friendly way. I wrote Love Factually to put all the evidence in readers’ corner so they can find and keep The One for them. It worked for me!”
Welch, whose work is carried at Time Magazine, Psychology Today, eHarmony, and others, has written the LoveScience blog for nearly six years that is now read in over 30 nations, in addition to professing psychology at Austin-area universities. She began her journey into relationship science because things weren’t going well in her own romantic life. The book comes nearly seven years into her very happy marriage to a man she met using the science-based techniques in the book. But, Welch adds, “The book is not for women only. About a third of my blog readers are men, and early sales data show it’s selling well with both genders. Science is very clear that men want and need love; they just tend to shy away from opinion. Love Factually brings the evidence to bear in a way that I hope will speak to everyone.”
The experts in the relationship science field agree. Dr. John M. Gottman, the most famous marriage scientist in the world and author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, endorsed Love Factually, saying, “Finally we have a research-based guide for how to sensibly select a partner. A must read for all those of us seeking a lasting love.” Dr. David M. Buss, evolutionary psychologist and author of The Evolution of Desire, concurs: “Love Factually is a great book…anchored in solid science. It brings key principles to life with gripping real-life mating stories…It brims with practical advice in the form of concrete actions everyone can take to improve their love lives. If you plan to read one book to improve your mating life, this is the one to read.” Dr. Linda J. Waite, marriage-and-cohabitation expert and author of The Case For Marriage, calls Love Factually “a real treat: a smart, funny page-turner, full of heart and based on the best science. If you’re at any stage of the dating process, you’ll get the clear, doable steps you’ve needed all along to find and keep the right life partner. I was hooked from the first chapter, and I’m married and know the research inside out!”
Non-science authors love the book for its heart. Susan Page, acclaimed author of If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single, calls it “A ray of hope in a world of cynicism. Even better, it’s hope founded on fact. Readers of this book will learn why holding onto hope is realistic, as well as how to move through their fears, create lasting love, and feel better about themselves in the process. Love Factually is a helping, healing journey.” Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider, authors of the longtime bestselling The Rules books franchise, compare Love Factually to the best of the advice books, saying it’s “like having Malcolm Gladwell and Brene’ Brown gene-splice with Dear Abby and The Rules. The Steps here are fantastic, and it’s a great, fun read we highly recommend!”
Dating industry leader eHarmony has also endorsed, saying, “If you are going to read any book about love~make it Love Factually.”
About Love Factually:
After a break-up Little Debbies, chocolate, and the charity of friends could not console, Dr. Duana Welch had the epiphany that transformed the way she lived her love life, leading to verifiable, objective answers to her questions—and yours. The only fact-based book to take men and women from before-you-meet until you commit, Love Factually blends heart, soul–and science. In a genre long on opinion and short on proof, Love Factually puts all the evidence in your corner for the most important and daunting task of our lives: finding and keeping The One.
About Duana Welch:
Duana (DWAY-nah) Welch is known for using social science to solve real-life relationship issues. Her book Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do (2015), is the first science-based dating book that guides men and women through every phase of dating, from before they meet until they make a commitment.
Duana earned her Ph.D. in psychology in 1998. In 2009, she launched blog LoveScience: Research-based relationship advice for everyone. Duana also contributes to Psychology Today and eHarmony, and teaches psychology at Austin, Texas universities. She resides with her husband, daughter, and assorted critters, and when she’s not writing or teaching, she enjoys embracing her inner nerd, hiking with her dog, and sampling dark chocolate.
Media Contact
Company Name: LoveScience Media
Email: Send Email
Phone: 512.529.7499
City: Austin
State: TX
Country: United States
Website: http://www.lovefactually.co