
Q&A for “Babies & Marriage: The Real Impact, and What To Do About It”  

Wise Readers,What if a *woman* had asked about babies and marriage; would my advice have been different? Yes~very much so. What about sex when you’re baby-drained? Can a baby save a bad marriage? Should couples have kids at all, given babies’ impact on marital happiness? For answers to this and other queries, you know what to do: Read On!

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Q&A for "What To Do When She's Not (Ever) In The Mood"

Wise Readers, Why isn’t it a good idea to have sex just to keep a mate happy—and why does the Attitude matter so much? Isn’t low desire experienced at some point by *everyone*? What’s the difference between “not tonight, Honey,” and true libidinous lack—and when does normal behavior cross the line into a disorder? Could Emma just be asexual? Read on!

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What To Do When She's Not (Ever) In The Mood

Dear Emma,When you asked how to locate your libido, the scientific answer quickly emerged: There’s no widely/wildly successful solution. And among our Wise Reader survey respondents, 27% of the men and 81% of the women struggle(d) with their own low lust. Turns out, research indicates that reviving the drive is about as straightforward as female sexuality itself. But despair not. The many possible *causes* of absent or low desire mean many possible *cures*—including these:

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Folk Wisdom: What To Do When She’s Not (Ever) In The Mood?

Dear Duana, I have no sexual desire—none. It’s not that I find my husband unattractive; it’s more that the idea of sex with anyone at all is no more appealing than mopping or vacuuming. Do you have any ideas or suggestions about how (or if) I can want to want sex more? Dear Emma, Low desire is the #1 issue women express about their own sexuality—which means science has definitely scoped the problem. But before we cover what Science has to say on the matter, let’s ask our Wise Readers: What do you think could help Emma to awaken her sexual desire? Please take the survey linked here and give your advice for next week’s article. Cheers, Duana

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How To Use The New Search & Tags Features At Love Science

Wise Readers, Romania, Switzerland, Tobago, Canada, Australia, France, Pakistan, Philippines, UK, India, Latvia, Russia, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, USA, South Africa, Malaysia, Slovenia, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, Guyana, Netherlands, Japan, Greece, and Gabon: These are the countries you visited from just last week. And I cannot thank you enough for finding, forwarding, and participating in research-based relationship advice for everyone. But have you ever wanted to find the exact Love Science topic or article you wanted, exactly when you wanted it? Until now, the site just wasn’t very user-friendly that way. As of today, as a small thanks from me—I hope you will consider that problem solved.

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